Photo credit: Samuel Hürzeler
The most important products in the area of amino acids, BCAA and glutamine for strength and endurance athletes
SPONSER® offers amino acids and, among others also BCAAs and glutamine in powder and liquid form, as well as capsules or tablets.
AMINO 12500 (Shot): Highly concentrated delivery with 12.5 g of peptides and amino acids in the fastest available form. For strength training, to be taken shortly before training and/or in combination with a conventional protein shake after the session. Endurance athletes are recommended to take one shot every 2-3 h during exercise (bike ride etc.) or immediately after hard training sessions to support recovery.
AMINO EAA: Contains the 8 essential and 3 semi-essential amino acids in free form in the optimal ratio. Ideal for strength and endurance athletes who want to cover the complete essential amino acid intake with the lowest possible calorie quantity, in order to support muscle building and maintenance with these protein building blocks. AMINO EAA Tabs are suitable for immediate consumption before, during or after training.
EAA INSTANT: Flavoured amino acid drink powder with the 8 essential and 3 semi-essential amino acids in free form. Supplemented with vitamins, HMB, citrulline and taurine. Primarily designed for strength athletes who want to cover the complete essential amino acid intake with the lowest possible calorie quantity in order to support muscle building and maintenance with these protein building blocks. The drink is taken immediately before, during or after the training session.
BCAA CAPSULES: Capsules with the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) leucine, valine and isoleucine in a 3:1:1 ratio, which are available more quickly than intact proteins. They are especially needed and metabolised during physical exertion. Strength athletes ideally take BCAA capsules in two portions each shortly before and shortly after training: 2 capsules per 10 kg body weight divided into two portions. Endurance athletes consume 2-4 capsules per hour during long endurance efforts and another capsule per 10 kg body weight shortly after performance.
BCAA INSTANT: Pure BCAA powder to add to sports drinks or shakes, or with cola flavour as a stand-alone drink. Use in strength and endurance training to delay the breakdown of the body's amino structures and thus support the preservation of muscle mass. Some studies have also shown a positive influence of BCAA on fatigue resistance, especially during ultra events.
L-GLUTAMINE: Pure L-glutamine in a freely available form. Glutamine is quantitatively the most important amino acid in the musculature, while glutamine coming from food serves as an important nutrient for the intestinal flora. Recommended intake: 10 g daily, ideally divided into 2 portions after exercise. Glutamine also supports the replenishment of carbohydrate stores and can be used as a supplement during intensive phases in competitive sports.
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