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  • Capacity of 600 ml
  • Drip-proof
  • Contains a powder reservoir


    The Smartshaker™ is a reliable partner for the preparation of protein shakes either in the gym or at home. This high-quality shaker has a capacity of 600 ml and is absolutely drip-proof. Under the ground, it also has a powder reservoir, in which other supplements such as capsules, tablets, etc. can be stored. SPONSER proposes exclusively this Smartshaker™, as well as all drinking bottles / gourds at very attractive prices.


    At more than 100 sporting events with more than 100,000 athletes every year, SPONSER® products are not only put through their paces under laboratory conditions, but also in practical tests. So not only our products, but also our athletes are always one step ahead of the competition.

    The Smartshaker™ is a reliable partner for the preparation of protein shakes either in the gym or at home. This high-quality shaker has a capacity of 600 ml and is absolutely drip-proof. Under the ground, it also has a powder reservoir, in which other supplements such as capsules, tablets, etc. can be stored. SPONSER proposes exclusively this Smartshaker™, as well as all drinking bottles / gourds at very attractive prices.