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CRUNCHY PROTEIN from SPONSER® adds to a protein-rich diet in a tasty and convenient way. This protein bar combines exceptional taste with functionality. Thanks to the special manufacturing technology, a soft core is created, coated in a layer of finest chocolate with crunch effect. With a protein content of more than 30% and rich in dietary fibres, the bar contains a very low sugar content of less than 2 g.

CRUNCHY PROTEIN is particularly suitable as a high-protein, tasty, on the go snack - suitable for everyday consumption as well as before and after sports. Protein ensures the build-up and maintenance of muscle mass and, together with the dietary fibres contained, contributes to the bar's satiating relish. The protein bars are free from preservatives and come in two different flavours. Made in Germany.

Note: Store dry and cool


An mehr als 100 Sportanlässen mit jährlich über 100 000 Athleten werden SPONSER®-Produkte nicht nur unter Laborbedingungen, sondern zusätzlich im Praxistest auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. So sind nicht nur unsere Produkte, sondern auch unsere Athleten der Konkurrenz stets einen Schritt voraus.