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VEGAN PROTEIN connect protein sources out of pea, rice, yeast, chickpea and sunflower seeds to a high-quality vegan protein powder, which delivers a complete amino acids spectrum and more than 20 g protein per portion.

The innovative protein composition of pure vegetable sources provides a balanced amino acids profile. Protein supports growth and maintenance of the muscle mass.

Rich on fibres per portion. The combination protein-dietary fibres makes VEGAN PROTEIN to a valuable supplement within the frame of a low carb diet.

Is a vegan diet also feasible for athletes? Does a vegan diet cause a deficiency? Read all the answers to those and other questions in our article Vegan Nutrition for Athletes.

The overview Protein Powders in Comparison provides further information on our protein powders and their area of use.


An mehr als 100 Sportanlässen mit jährlich über 100 000 Athleten werden SPONSER®-Produkte nicht nur unter Laborbedingungen, sondern zusätzlich im Praxistest auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. So sind nicht nur unsere Produkte, sondern auch unsere Athleten der Konkurrenz stets einen Schritt voraus.