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The goals of optimal recovery are to recover as quickly as possible, minimise muscle soreness and to be back on your feet in no time. Intense workouts and competitions empty energy stores and weaken the muscles. The amount of carbohydrates may be reduced during low carb diet periods or for shorter workouts that demand less energy but are still hard on the muscles. Pure protein products may also be used for regeneration depending on the situation or metabolism/nutrition related goals. SPONSER® offers a wide range of regeneration products, such as drinks, shakes, regeneration bars and supplements.

Here you will find the most important «tips and tricks for regeneration in endurance sports».

The overview, «recovery products in comparison», will help you find the perfect recovery drink.


An mehr als 100 Sportanlässen mit jährlich über 100 000 Athleten werden SPONSER®-Produkte nicht nur unter Laborbedingungen, sondern zusätzlich im Praxistest auf Herz und Nieren geprüft. So sind nicht nur unsere Produkte, sondern auch unsere Athleten der Konkurrenz stets einen Schritt voraus.