Neutral protein powders stand out with their unlimited variety of uses. Neutral-flavoured WHEY ISOLATE 94, VEGAN PROTEIN or COLOSTRUM can be used as the basis for high-quality shakes or smoothies, which can be refined with syrup, fruit, cocoa, seeds, nuts, etc. according to culinary preferences. Hearty dishes such as soups, curries or vegan stews are given an increased protein content and a creamy consistency by adding protein powder without flavourings. It can also be used to transform homemade baked goods such as brownies, bread rolls or muffins into a protein-rich and optionally purely plant-based snack. Discover the many uses of neutral protein powder in our recipe highlights on Instagram!
At more than 100 sporting events with more than 100,000 athletes every year, SPONSER® products are not only put through their paces under laboratory conditions, but also in practical tests. So not only our products, but also our athletes are always one step ahead of the competition.
At more than 100 sporting events with more than 100,000 athletes every year, SPONSER® products are not only put through their paces under laboratory conditions, but also in practical tests. So not only our products, but also our athletes are always one step ahead of the competition.